
National Indigenous Peoples Day 2024

On June 21, we celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day dedicated to honouring the cultures, heritage, and contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. This day falls within National Indigenous History Month, a time for all Canadians to deepen their understanding of Indigenous histories, traditions, and acknowledge the challenges these communities face.   […]

Red Dress Day Project 2024

May 5 is a day to honour the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2 Spirit individuals of Canada, and support Indigenous communities that continue to suffer due to these crimes and unsolved cases that don’t receive the same urgency as similar ones involving people of other backgrounds. Last year, in honour of this […]

Granville Island Partners with Rabbit Rescue

Granville Island partners with rabbit rescue to rehome domestic animals abandoned in local park. An agreement with Rabbitats, a registered rabbit rescue, control & management non-profit, reached. No rabbits euthanized.

Granville Island partners with rabbit rescue to rehome domestic animals abandoned in local park. No rabbits euthanized. An agreement with Rabbitats, a registered, lisenced rabbit rescue, control & management non-profit, reached. Granville Island would like to thank everyone for their interest in the rabbit situation on Granville Island. As a reminder, a pair of domestic […]

The Public Market’s 44th Anniversary!

Happy 44th birthday to the Granville Island Public Market! On July 12, 1979, the Public Market opened it’s doors for the first time with 21 tenants. It was an immediate hit, quickly becoming an iconic Vancouver landmark for locals and visitors alike to gather, shop, eat and mingle. The buildings themselves have a rich heritage […]

The Public Market’s 44th Anniversary!

Happy 44th birthday to the Granville Island Public Market! On July 12, 1979, the Public Market opened it’s doors for the first time with 21 tenants. It was an immediate hit, quickly becoming an iconic Vancouver landmark for locals and visitors alike to gather, shop, eat and mingle. The buildings themselves have a rich heritage […]

The Public Market’s 44th Anniversary!

Happy 44th birthday to the Granville Island Public Market! On July 12, 1979, the Public Market opened it’s doors for the first time with 21 tenants. It was an immediate hit, quickly becoming an iconic Vancouver landmark for locals and visitors alike to gather, shop, eat and mingle. The buildings themselves have a rich heritage […]

We’re launching an Open Alcohol Consumption Pilot!

A burger and a beer, a lobster roll and a Pinot Gris, even a charcuterie board with a gin and tonic – the choice is yours, and now you can enjoy it while taking in the spectacular views and entertainment in the Public Market Courtyard on Granville Island! Granville Island is the latest location in […]

Annonce de la création d’un nouveau conseil local de Granville Island

L’honorable Jean-Yves Duclos, ministre de la Famille, de l’Enfance et du Développement social et ministre responsable de la Société canadienne d’hypothèques et de logement (SCHL), qui gère Granville Island, a annoncé aujourd’hui la liste des membres du nouveau Conseil de Granville Island. Ce Conseil, qui remplace le Granville Island Trust, sera chargé de prendre d’importantes […]

Marché de fermiers de Granville Island

Le marché de fermiers de Granville Island est de retour! Nous avons fait quelques changements cette année: il sera situé à Chain and Forge, au-dessous du pont Granville et en façe de Keg Restaurant. Les heures d’ouvertures seront de 11h – 16h. Si il est votre premier ou dernier arrêt à Granville Island, il sera […]

Bilan de l’année 2018

Jetez un coup d’œil sur les faits saillants de 2018 et sur ce que Granville Island a prévu pour l’avenir en ce qui concerne l’année 2018.

Venez vous joindre à notre équipe de bénévoles!

Aidez-nous à faire de Granville Island l’endroit public le plus inspirant du monde! La SCHL-Granville Island se constitue une équipe active 12 mois par année d’ambassadeurs bénévoles pouvant devenir hôtes pour Granville Island ou encore bénévoles pour des évènements, à vélo ou non. Nous sommes à la recherche de personnes qui… aiment aider les autres; […]

Stratégie de transport de Granville Island

La SCHL et Granville Island ont élaboré ensemble la Stratégie de transport de Granville Island pour faire progresser la stratégie visant à améliorer l’accès à l’île, l’un des quatre piliers de la vision à long terme Granville Island 2040 : Faire le pont entre le passé et l’avenir, publiée en mai 2017. La Stratégie présente […]

Marché public ouvert 7 jours sur 7
de 9h à 18h
Plan de sécurité Covid →

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