

Remembrance Day on Granville Island

On November 11th Granville Island Remembers
If you are on Granville Island the morning of Thursday, November 11th, please take a moment to pause and listen to the Last Post, played by musician Malcolm Aiken outside the Public Market just before 11:00 AM, followed immediately by Two Minutes of Silence. A lone bagpiper, Granville Island busker Anthony Warburton, will signal the end of the two minutes with the Lament for pipes, Flowers of the Forest.

Original Remembrance Day artwork created for Granville Island by Hilary Morris, Beaver Pond Creative Studio on Railspur Alley


Public Market open 7 days a week
from 9AM - 6PM
Beginning May 17, some businesses may be open later until 8pm
Net Loft open 7 days a week
from 10AM - 6PM
Covid safety plan →

For retail, individual store, restaurant, gallery & studio hours, please click:
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