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Public Market
JJ Bean

JJ Bean is the place to be seen on the weekend for the coffee cognoscenti. The best service and the best espresso are all squeezed into a high-energy environment at

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Day Vendor in Public Market
JJ Stonecraft / JJ Heo

Our knives are made of obsidian found in the Cascade Range in North America. Each knife is handcrafted using an ancient technique called flint knapping. This chipping technique was passed

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Duranleau Street
John Nutter Glass Studio

In his studio located in the Net Loft, John Nutter designs and stains leaded and sandblasted carved glass at an architectural scale. He takes pieces of flat glass manufactured to

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Public Market open 7 days a week
from 9AM - 6PM
Beginning May 17, some businesses may be open later until 8pm
Net Loft open 7 days a week
from 10AM - 6PM
Covid safety plan →

For retail, individual store, restaurant, gallery & studio hours, please click:
Store Hours | Open Map