Emma Bracefield Design / Emma Bracefield
Inspiration for my work is derived from nature. Aesthetic form becomes synonymous with function as I search for a sculptural personality which will enhance and flatter the wearer while providing […]
A Cagey Bee / Kris Brownlee
An artist, painter and cute maker living in Vancouver, BC. Kris painted a cute (& cagey) bee girl, turned her into a mascot and “A Cagey Bee” was born! The […]
Joseph Chiang Art / Joseph Chiang
Joseph Chiang began his exploration of art, design and music at a young age. A creative force in multiple mediums, he has been exploring his artistic passion within fields of […]
FC Designs / Fanny Chen and Ray Lau
Our mission is to create unique, handmade genuine leather products. We strive to design products that enhance the natural beauty of leather and create goods that everyone can appreciate. We […]
Lina Cutnam
I have been creating fashion since early childhood. I use pyrography, free hand drawing on leather to create one of a kind tree of life pyrography, (sculpture) leather bags, furniture […]
Engin and Dennis Dalyanci Glass Design / Engin Dalyanci and Dennis Dalyanci
Engin Dalyanci has been working with fusion glass, ceramics, textile, and porcelain for 25 years. Each and every ‘Engin & Dennis Design’ is an exclusive work of art with a […]
Lucas J. Diack Photography / Lucas Diack
Born and raised in Vancouver, much of my inspiration comes from the natural surroundings of beautiful British Columbia. I fell in love with photography as a child after watching my […]
Julian Duerksen Glass Studio / Julian Duerksen
Julian Duerksen creates modern glass ornaments, stemware and vessels using the centuries old techniques of hand-blown glass. His work is known for its close attention to artistic and technical detail […]
Detailed Designworks / Paula Fodchuk
Paula is an acrylic and watercolour artist who finds inspiration in the exquisiteness of her surroundings – her home, her garden, neighbourhood and community, as well as the natural beauty […]
Hidden Gem Jewellery Studio Johnathan Designz
Looking for something locally made? It is worth your while to track down this real hidden gem of Granville Island. Patrick Johnathan is the inhouse designer that has created each […]