

Niche Gallery

Niche Gallery is collaboration of 4 Public Market Day vendors
Aleksandra Kalinic (
Michelle Vulama (
Nevena Tadic Ceramic Pottery (
Shima Itabashi (
Niche Gallery is collaboration of 4 Public Market Day vendors: Aleksandra Kalinic, specializing in one of a kind jewelry and unique pieces. Also a talented painter, with works in the Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery; Michelle Vulama, one of a kind artist who finds life in various rocks and larger boulders, paints them to match their energy. Michelle is available for commission work as well; Nevena Tadic, contemporary and whimsical clay work for everyday use or special occasions(in the gallery, check out the lightbulb chandelier!); and Shima Itabashi, HIM creations – felt animal and character creator, with their own little life stories.

Aleksandra Kalinic:
Michelle Vulama:
Nevena Tadic Ceramic Pottery:
Shima Itabashi:

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Public Market open 7 days a week
from 9AM - 6PM
Beginning May 17, some businesses may be open later until 8pm
Net Loft open 7 days a week
from 10AM - 6PM
Covid safety plan →

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