Who: Families with Preschool and School aged children
What: Fun DIY Craft Kit (One per family)
When: Kits available Monday, February 8th – Saturday, February 13th
Where: Craft Kit pick up at False Creek Community Centre
Why: So we can still celebrate with you safely
It’s no PROB-LLAMA that we can’t gather this year to celebrate Valentine’s Day and Family Day; it’s still going to be LLAMAZING anyways… We HERD you loved our holiday scavenger hunt, and we WOOLY want you to have more fun. LLAMA just say you are going to love what we have planned for you, but before we forget to ask… can you guess our theme this year? WOOL PACCA craft kit together for you to have enjoy as a family. Please email us at fccavancouver@gmail.com if you want to reserve a craft kit for your family. Don’t worry; we will be ALPACKING it to the max with fun!
Craft kits can be picked up at the False Creek Community Centre between Monday, February 8 to Saturday, February 13; see website for hours
One kit per family