

Granville Island 2040: Bridging Past & Future

Improving accessibility, creating a market district, developing a more vibrant arts & innovation sector, and enhancing the public realm are the key recommended strategies of Granville Island 2040: Bridging Past & Future, released by CMHC-Granville Island.
The report builds on the success of the past, while offering bold new recommendations that anticipate how Granville Island can remain a dynamic destination for future generations to visit and enjoy. Changes in infrastructure to improve traffic and parking, as well as public realm enhancements aimed at restoring the pedestrian-friendly streetscape, have been identified as key priorities for the long-term success of the Island. As the Public Market continues to be Granville Island’s most popular destination, developing a market district to create a leading food and restaurant scene is vital. Building on the Island’s existing cultural assets, the report calls for new facilities, programs, and public spaces, which will enhance Granville Island as an internationally important arts and innovation district that is lively both day and night. An important next step will include repurposing the Emily Carr University of Art + Design buildings, which will be vacant in January 2018. A public process, which will include a call for Expressions of Interest, will be launched later in 2017, with the goal of transforming the buildings into a vibrant, cutting-edge, multi-tenant arts and innovation hub.
For more information, and to read the full report, go to


Public Market open 7 days a week
from 9AM - 6PM
Beginning May 17, some businesses may be open later until 8pm
Net Loft open 7 days a week
from 10AM - 6PM
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