Reported Bike Thefts on Granville Island Reduced by 70%
Granville Island’s Bicycle Culture and Security Program, a partnership-based initiative first introduced in 2016, has continued to exceed expectations. The program has resulted in a reduction of reported bike thefts over the summer months by more than 70 per cent over two years.
Working together with Granville Island, The City of Vancouver, Vancouver Police Department, Project 529 and Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (B.E.S.T), the program’s second year of operations resulted in a 40 per cent reduction in thefts in 2017 over 2016 numbers, and over 70 per cent reduction from 2015.
More than 11,000 bikes were parked with Granville Island’s Bicycle Valet service, operated by B.E.S.T. from June 26 through October 1. More than 900 bikes were registered with Project 529’s, modern, easy and free bicycle registration service, which is endorsed by the VPD. 529 Garage can be accessed online at or via app on both IOS and Android.
“We are pleased that our teamwork has had such a positive effect on the Granville Island experience for our bike-riding visitors,” said Scott Fraser, spokesperson for Granville Island. “Our results have shown that by working together, we can make truly impactful positive change in our community.”
“The reduction in bicycle theft over the past two years, and the positive impact our efforts have had on the cycling community, speak to the success of Granville Island’s program,” says Constable Rob Brunt with the Vancouver Police Department. “We’re committed to continuing the good work, alongside our partners, with the goal of making even more of a difference in the future.”
The program included:
> Free and monitored bicycle storage in a secure environment, seven days a week, with B.E.S.T., from June 26 through October 1
> Bait Bikes placed by the Vancouver Police Department to discourage thieves
> Free bicycle registration with 529 Garage
> Signage at bicycle racks encouraging appropriate and effective use of locks
> Increased visible bicycle parking.
Granville Island’s Summer Bicycle Valet and Bicycle Security Initiatives are supported by The City of Vancouver, Vancouver Police Department, Project 529 and B.E.S.T. CMHC-Granville Island would like to thank all of the organizations and individuals that have put their time, funds, and especially their creativity, in helping build this success.