
Spring Lamb Loin with Sunchoke Puree and Minted Caponata

Eric from Edible BC loves to introduce people to the very best of BC’s culinary artisans and this Spring Lamb Loin recipe will do exactly that. This gorgeous meal serves up a tantalizing mix of fresh seasonal flavours and is guaranteed to treat your palate. Even better, this dish combines an array of great ingredients you’ll find throughout the Public Market on your next visit! ingredient list (Also doubles as your shopping list!) Serves 4


¼ cup parsley leaves, chopped (All produce vendors)
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (Edible BC)
2 garlic cloves, minced (All produce vendors)
½ tsp fresh lemon juice (All produce vendors)
1 Spring lamb loin – one side only; about 1½ lbs (Tied by Armando’s or Tenderland – special order)
½ tsp fresh lemon zest, finely grated (All produce vendors)
¼ tsp sea salt (The Grainry)
1 lb sunchokes (All produce vendors)
2 cups cream (Milk Man)
1 tbsp freshly grated horseradish, or to taste (All produce vendors)
1 tsp sea salt (The Grainry)
1 lb small Italian eggplants (All produce vendors)
¼ cup olive oil (Edible BC)
½ cup sweet onion, chopped (All produce vendors)
1 medium zucchini, cubed (All produce vendors)
¼ cup black sun-dried olives, pitted and coarsely chopped (Duso’s Italian Foods)
¾ oz capers, rinsed well (Duso’s Italian Foods)
1 tbsp sugar (The Grainry)
¼ cup wine vinegar (Edible BC)
1 can (8oz) San Marzano diced tomatoes (Zara’s)
¼ cup chopped fresh mint (All produce vendors)
2 tsp crushed black pepper (Grainry)
1 tsp sea salt (The Grainry)


• In a food processor, purée parsley, oil, garlic, zest, and salt until finely chopped.
• Preheat oven to 425°F.
• Untie and unroll lamb loin. Season inside of lamb with salt, pepper and sauce. Re-roll lamb and re-tie with kitchen string.
• Season outside of lamb with salt and pepper.
• Put lamb on a rack in a roasting pan and roast in middle of oven 20 minutes, or until a meat thermometer registers 120°F for medium-rare or more than 120°F for medium. Transfer lamb to a cutting board and let stand 10 min.
• Peel sunchokes and cut into 1-inch pieces.
• In a stainless-steel saucepan simmer sunchokes in cream and water to cover by 1 inch until tender, about 20 min. (Cream will help prevent sunchokes from discoloring).
• In a blender, purée sunchokes with some of the cooking liquid, salt, pepper to taste, and horseradish. Season to taste. Keep purée warm.
• Peel eggplants, leaving some strips of peel, then cut into 1-inch cubes and spread on half of a kitchen towel.
• Sprinkle eggplant with salt, then cover with other half of towel and weight with a baking sheet topped with 2 or 3 large cans for 30 mins.
• Rinse eggplant in a colander under running water, then squeeze dry in small handfuls.
• Heat oil in a skillet over moderately high heat then saute onion, stirring, until pale golden, 6 – 8 min.
• Add zucchini and eggplant and cook, stirring for about 5 min.
• Add olives, capers, and 2 tablespoons sugar and cook, stirring, 2 min., then stir in vinegar and tomatoes.
• Reduce heat and simmer, covered, stirring occasionally, 20 min. If sauce is very acidic, add more sugar (to taste).
• Stir in fresh mint and pepper and transfer to a bowl and keep warm, covered.
• Can be made up to 2 days in advance to let the flavours develop.

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