
Come join our volunteer team!

Help us make Granville Island the most inspiring public place in the world! CMHC-Granville Island is assembling a team of year-round volunteer ambassadors to fill roles such as Granville Island […]

New Parking Management Strategy

As part of Granville Island’s Transportation Strategy, a new parking system for Granville Island has been developed. Granville Island’s new parking system aims to increase parking availability, improve traffic flow, […]

Granville Island Transportation Strategy

The Granville Island Transportation Strategy was developed by CMHC–Granville Island to advance the strategy to “Improve Access” to Granville Island, one of the four pillars of Granville Island 2040: Bridging […]

Introducing the Granville Island Theatre District

Boca Del Lupo, Carousel Theatre for Young People and CMHC-Granville Island are delighted to announce a new vision for theatre and performance on Granville Island. The Granville Island Theatre District […]

Reported Bike Thefts on Granville Island Reduced by 70%

Reported Bike Thefts on Granville Island Reduced by 70% Granville Island’s Bicycle Culture and Security Program, a partnership-based initiative first introduced in 2016, has continued to exceed expectations. The program […]

Granville Island 2040: Bridging Past & Future

Improving accessibility, creating a market district, developing a more vibrant arts & innovation sector, and enhancing the public realm are the key recommended strategies of Granville Island 2040: Bridging Past […]

Public Market open 7 days a week
from 9AM - 6PM
Beginning May 17, some businesses may be open later until 8pm
Net Loft open 7 days a week
from 10AM - 6PM
Covid safety plan →

For retail, individual store, restaurant, gallery & studio hours, please click:
Store Hours | Open Map